Privacy Policy

“Real Tobacco Group” privacy policy

We are aware of your trust in us and we take responsibility to protect your privacy. On this page you will find what data we collect when you use our website, the reason why we collect this data but also to improve your user experience. At least you will understand our method of work.

This privacy policy is applicable to the services of “Real Tobacco Group”. You must be aware that “Real Tobacco Group” is not responsible for the privacy policy of other sites and sources. By using this website, you agree with its privacy policy.

“Real Tobacco Group” respects the privacy of all users of its site and takes the necessary steps to keep your personal information confidential.


Use of our services

When you register we ask for your personal data. This data will be used to launch the services. The data will be saved on our secure server “Real Tobacco Group” or a third party. This information will not be combined with any other personal data we have.



We may save emails or other messages you send us. Sometimes your personal data will be requested if it is relevant to a certain situation in order to process and answer your questions. The data is saved on our secure server “Real Tobacco Group” or a third party. This information will not be combined with any other personal data we have.



We save data for our research in order to help us have better knowledge to in turn improve our services. This site uses 'cookies' (text files saved on your computer) to help the site analyze how you use the site. The information obtained by the cookies concerning the use of the site may be transferred to our secure server of “Real Tobacco Group” or a third party. We save this information in order to know how you use the site, to write reports of activities on the site, to offer you other services about the activities of the site or the use of internet.


Google Analytics

Google's cookies are put on our website as part of our 'Analytics' service. We use this service to find out how visitors use the website and to get reports. Google may share this information with third parties provided that Google is legally bound to it and to third parties on behalf of Google. We have no influence on that.

The data collected by Google are as much as possible anonymous. Your IP address remains anonymous at all costs. The information is transferred by and to Google on servers in the United States.


Marketing Cookies

In addition to the use of the cookies mentioned above, we also use remarketing cookies. We give permission to some third parties to help us create personalized advertising to improve the use of the internet. These partners show ads with cookies and can track visitors' activities.



We do not collect or use information for any purpose other than the purposes mentioned in our private policy if we do not have your consent in advance.


Third Parties

The information is not shared with third parties. In some cases, the information can be shared internally or with our technical partners. Our employees and our technical partners are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data.



This privacy statement is tailored to the use and possibilities of this site. Adjustments and / or changes to this site may result in changes to the privacy statement. It is therefore advisable to consult this privacy statement often.


Personal data

At any time, you have the option to view, modify or delete at a later date any personal information that you have provided to us.


Adjust / unsubscribe to the newsletter service

Below each email you have the possibility to adjust your data or unsubscribe.


Adjust / unsubscribe to communications

We kindly ask you to contact us if you want to adjust or delete your data. See contact details mentioned below.


Delete cookies

Most browsers are programmed by default to accept cookies but you have the option to restore your browser to refuse all cookies or to notify when a cookie will be sent. Some features and services on our site or otherwise may not work properly if cookies are disabled in your browser. This site uses Google Analytics. This is a site analysis service offered by Google Inc. By using this site, you agree that the data may be used by Google for other purposes.


Questions and feedback

We often control our private policy. If you have any questions about our private policy, please contact us:


This privacy policy has been drawn up for the “Real Tobacco Group” (Real United bvba) and therefore applies to all underlying companies.


This page was last modified on the 04/10/2019